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Little League Team on Bench

Top 10 Characteristics of High Performing Organisations

The reasons for the success or demise of an organisation can be traced back to the leadership at the top. Great leaders have the pulse on the ground by making extra efforts to understand what is really happening. Doing so enables them to set the right environment and organisational culture for the business to thrive. 

"A High Performing Organisation needs Well-Balanced and Happy employees."

A high performing organisation needs well balanced and happy employees to perform their duties. Happy employees are more productive and tend to care about the business by providing more of their discretionary efforts. This impacts directly on the corporate bottom line, since not only there is a correlation between happy employees and customer satisfaction, but also employee attrition rate is much lower compared to other competitors. As a result, this creates better employer brand image to attract top talent as well as reduce recruitment costs in talent acquisition and talent retention.  

Little League Team Hands In

Happiness is infectious and creates a better working environment for everybody. A happy and positive workplace environment is one where employees feel motivated and engaged by their peers and managers. Moreover, the senior leadership team openly shares their vision and makes everybody feel that they are a stakeholder in the bigger picture. Employees feel empowered, take ownership of their responsibilities and strive to be at their best. In the end, this creates a win-win high performing culture, where employees are rewarded for their efforts and the business more profitable than their competitors. 

STEEL Advisory Partners - High Performin

Effective leaders foster an environment of trust and respect by empowering their employees to take the right decisions for the business. Moreover, by constantly keeping in touch with their workforce and communicating about their plans and challenges faced, successful leaders show that they are being transparent as well as accountable for their actions.


As a result, they lead by example and set the right path to create the right culture for their team members to grow and flourish. Rather than having a culture of fear and uncertainty, they create a thriving culture of collaboration, sharing and teamwork. In the end, the people and culture will be the competitive advantage of the organisation in the marketplace.  

Baseball and Bat

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